A-Z Medical Services
We offer a choice of male or female doctors. Our surgery is fully equipped with the most advanced medical equipment and technologies. The Following are some examples of the services we provide
- A General check up
- A Consultation on any aspect of your health
- Antenatal /pregnancy care
- Antenatal classes on site
- Asthma clinic
- Audiometry – hearing tests
- Baby developmental checks and vaccines
- Bladder Care and advice
- Blood Pressure Monitoring 24hr
- Blood pressure tests
- Blood tests & Phlebotomy
- Breast examinations/referral for mammograms
- Breast-feeding advice and support
- Cancer screening
- Cervical Cancer Prevention Vaccine
- Cervical Smear tests
- Chlamydia/STI screening
- Childrens Health
- Chronic Disease Manangement
- Coagulation/ Warfarin monitoring, immediate INR results
- Contraception-see Womens Health section
- Counselling
- Cryotherapy- treatment for warts, genital warts, verrucae, skin tags, etc
- Defibrillator on site
- DEXA Scan
- Diabetes Screening and Care
- Dietician
- Diving Medicals
- Driving Licence Renewal Medicals
- Ear syringing
- ECG-heart tracing
- Emergency contraception
- Executive Medicals
- Family Planning
- Fertility tests
- Flu vaccinations
- Foreign travel vaccines
- Fat Scan
- Haemochromatosis screening and venesection
- Heart disease Screening and Monitoring
- HeartWatch Programme
- Hepatitis Screening/ vaccination
- HSE Primary Care Team
- Immunisations
- Implanon contraceptive implant/bar
- Insurance Medicals/Reports
- Joint steroid injections
- Mammogram referrals
- Management of chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes
- Maternity Care
- Medical Legal Reports
- Menopause advice/HRT
- Mens sexual health/impotence assessment and treatment
- Minor surgery
- Mirena coil insertion/removal
- Nebuliser
- Nursing services
- Occupational Medical services
- Osteoporosis Screening (measure of bone density)
- Paediatric facilities
- Peak flow meter
- Physiotherapy
- PMA reports
- Post-natal care
- Pre employment medicals
- Pregnancy care
- Pregnancy tests and counselling
- Pre-pregnancy care and tests
- Prostate cancer screening
- Psychologist
- Referral to HospitalConsultants
- Removal of coils
- Removal of stitches/wound care
- Respiratory Health care
- Sexual health care and STI screening
- Six week checks for baby and mum
- Skin Conditions
- Smoking Cessation advice
- Solicitor reports
- Spirometry- lung function tests
- Student Health
- Swab tests
- Teenage health (confidential service)
- Travel health and vaccines
- Urine tests for diabetes/kidney disease/infection/drugs screen
- Venesection for Haemochromatosis
- Warfarin /coagulation monitoring, immediate INR results
- Weight management
- Well Man checks
- Well Woman checks
- Wound care and dressings
- Womens Health
- Yellow Fever Approved Vaccine Centre